The Emerald Quill Duck Feather Bowtie is a luxurious accessory crafted from dark green duck feathers, exuding an air of natural sophistication and tranquility. The rich green hue is reminiscent of deep forest tones, reflecting a connection to the natural world that's both stylish and unique. Complemented by a high-quality leather bow, this exquisite piece combines tradition with a touch of wilderness, making it a perfect choice for both formal occasions and the individual who desires a distinctive flair. The Emerald Quill Duck Feather Bowtie is not just a fashion accessory; it's a statement of grace and appreciation for nature's beauty.
Our feather bowties are meticulously crafted, with high-quality materials that won't break your pocket. Whether you're attending a wedding or a bachelor party, we can almost guarantee you'll get compliments. Comes pre-tied, with a lapel pin!
Material: Feathers, Cotton
Color: Green, Brown
Size: 11.5CM X 6.5CM
Includes: Bowtie, Lapel Pin, Storage Box